Rewards are now live for IQ/FRAX pair on Fraxswap. The maximum APR is over 436% as of writing.

07 Jul 2022, 15:46
Rewards are now live for IQ/FRAX pair on Fraxswap! The maximum APR is over 436% as of writing! Anyone can now earn FXS and IQ tokens on Fraxswap on Frax Finance by providing liquidity to the FRAX/IQ pair on Fraxswap. Last week, the proposal to launch FXS rewards for IQ-FRAX on Fraxswap passed with overwhelming support. An allocation of 500,000 IQ/day will be issued to incentivize liquidity providers. Additionally, BrainDAO will allocate $200,000 of IQ per biweekly voting period at core team’s discretion to pay FXS holders to vote in favor of FXS rewards for IQ-FRAX liquidity providers through the Frax gauge system. To start earning IQ and FXS rewards supply liquidity to the IQ-FRAX pair on Fraxswap and then stake the LP tokens here to earn both FXS and IQ tokens as rewards. Note: You must stake the LP tokens otherwise you will not receive any rewards.